My Love-Fest with TV II
Defiance Synopsis: an American science fiction television series, with a massively multiplayer online game video game tied into the series, Defiance is set in the near future, where aliens known collectively as Votans have come to Earth seeking a new home after their star system was destroyed in a stellar collision. Defiance stars Jaime Murray and Tony Curran as Stahma Tarr and Datak Tarr: the Castithan power couple, Julie Benz as Amanda Rosewater: the newly appointed mayor of Defiance, Grant Bowler as Joshua Nolan: the local lawman, Stephanie Leonidas as Irisa Nyira: Nolan’s alien adopted daughter, Graham Greene as Rafe McCawley: the owner of the largest mine in the territory, and Mia Kirshner as Kenya: Amanda's sister and the proprietress of Need and Want brothel. Defiance premiered April 15, 2013 on US’ Syfy and Canada’s Showcase, April 16 on Brazil’s, France’s, United Kingdom’s, Ireland’s, Germany’s, Spain’s Syfy, April 18 on Australia’s SF, May 5 on Portugal’s TVSeries, ...
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