The Gift of a Father

The Gift of a Father

by Murewa Olubela on Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 12:36pm
Today is Father's day, have you said happy Father's day to anyone, your father perhaps or the father figures in your life.

Quickly am gonna tell you what inspired this write, It is simply a note Fela Durotoye wrote about Obama thoughts. It amazing how much the man amazes me, with his deep thought and poise, did I tell his daughters are simply cute, they are just adorable, looking at them, their poise and all, I try and wonder how life at the white house is.
They seem to be holding up just fine, but I cant help but wonder if they could run all down the hall like a kid, and how they each have to grow up fast; they are the first daughters and everybody including youths and children all over the world looks up to them.

You can check Fela's article here It is simply amazing.

For so long, I always told myself, how fun it would be to be inseminated and carry a child preferably a daughter to life. I would then dream about our life together, and how close we would be because it would be only the two of us against the dreams where fun and real, as I lived them day to day, who knows maybe someday I would be able to put them to pen and make them a make-believe world so you can share and live them with me for 2 standard hours....... who knows uhn.

My dreams were not building castles out of the sandpit, rather they were a safety place for an only child who craved for sisterly friend, that why i always wanted a daughter, it was to form a kind of sisterly bond with her. But anyways it was a place of refuge for me when it seems it was only me against the world...As a young girl, my father and I were so close, He read over my books for me every nights, I can still the red pen marks all over my notes as he corrected them, of course drinking tea or something nice and hot to keep me from falling asleep too. For years it was a ritual and then he traveled and was away for quite a while, all to make me a better world, all because He is a better father who wanted his kids to travel the world. the key points is , there was a big void when he wasn't there for a moment that I withdrew into myself, it was a long journey of not caring, of being to cautious of the world and not being at peace with myself and the world...those days were my dark days....believe me you, they were really dark, I frowned my whole life off and that why I smile like crazy now, I have done all my frowning.

Looking back at it all, makes me realize that I am being a jerk and not a good mother for my daughter if I willingly refuse to allow her have her own stories and memories about her father. Sher has got a right to have them, and If I loved her so much as I claim I do, I would give her the best gift ever; a father. There is a reason why an egg cannot fertilize itself, it need the help of a sperm. So it doesn't matter if all guys are jerks (and believe me they so ain't, they just need a good woman to point and direct them along) I can never take the place of a man in my child's life, even if I try....I just don't have the testicles for it. So I am going to have my child at the right time and of course she is going to have her father in her life.

And this is my way of saying happy fathers day to you all. Much love MWUAH


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